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As practising counsellors, we know that the conditions we create for our clients are of the utmost importance, and the setting is a part of that. Training in counselling, too, benefits from the right environment.


Something that sets this counselling training apart from other local offerings is the opportunity to practice working with others in beautiful and professional practicing rooms used by Counsellors for private client work. To put it more cheesily, you get to cultivate your own way of being with peer 'clients' where the magic happens with real clients! 
















Rather than practicing your skills in an IT suite or whichever room is free, we pride ourselves on having private and professional practice rooms. We will be ensuring the spaces you use are as aesthetically nourishing as can be. Have a look here for a preview of one of the rooms you will be practising skills in.





Rochester House,
48 Rochester Gardens,
BN3 3AW,
United Kingdom.

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